Website owners who keep up to date with SEO competition are finding out that if you are not learning and evolving you're falling behind. It's becoming more and more difficult for websites to maintain high rankings on search engines and that's even if your site is already a few years old. If you are starting a new website it's even more difficult to make your mark on a SEO. Expectations for new sites should be set up with the goal for long term results.
The most important factor in determining your website's success is to know what you are looking for from your site. Most owners believe that rankings dictate a website's success and while rankings are important they do not determine the overall success of the site. Owners should pay attention to the traffic they receive because that is going to factor into your business success and put money in your pocket. That's why you have the site, correct? To make more money! Most website owners want to be in the top five of Google and Yahoo searches, when at the end of the day those rankings to not affect their bottom line.
This will not change the fact that rankings will continue to be a highly sought after commodity. Website owners need to think outside the box if they want to move up on SEO rankings. Owners have been expanding their keywords in hopes of attracting more surfers to their site. What they should be doing is figuring out what keywords people are using and incorporate those words and phrases onto their site.
At the end of the day websites are all about content, but what constitutes good content? In one word: Creativity. Your website is an extension of you, just like your business is. Use your voice and be unique with the content you decide to put on your website. This includes videos and pictures as well. Look at the resources you have and incorporate all the good things around you into your website. Do not steal or copy from other websites, it is superficial and that comes across to the visitors on your site. Make your content genuine. Do what you do best and speak from the heart. Make sure you write content for your site and not based on search engines. It's a disservice and will not help your business or rankings.
The best advice one can give a website owner is: Do not compete with other websites! Continue to expand and evolve your own website and don't saturate your brain with other people's ideas. There is no right or wrong, what works for one does not work for another. Start with what you need to have on your site and work up from there.
You can pay all the money in the world to a SEO company and be number one on all the search engines, but did you really start a website to spend money or to make money?
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