If you are selling information and your website is about how to save money on weddings, people may believe you. However, if thirty people also say that your website is about that topic or even one hundred people, Google will think, This website must be about that topic. Google is even more likely to believe that when it visits your webpage and sees titles and content about saving money on weddings throughout the website.
Utilizing this strategy allows you to get high rankings for a number of keywords and phrases instead of one. Why? Articles get ranked in the search engines and they point back to your webpage. Using articles is like having a number of sales professionals promoting your products and services for a number of keywords and phrases. With this strategy you will have a number of people find your website. You also do not have to worry about the competition that comes with smaller keywords and phrases that are on millions of websites.
By using the article strategy, you will attract tons of visitors to your website. Many of your competitors will also give you free business because they will use your articles as well. As a result, they will be helping you build your business even if they are also selling information about the same topic you are selling information on.
Your webpage will receive a higher placement in the search engines, more people will visit your website and you will be more effective at selling information.
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