There are a number of facets to website promotion, each of which is important and each of which can be viewed as a kind of campaign to lure visitors to the site. The first and most fundamental aspect of website promotion is getting in good with the search engines. By far the most sought-after and worked for thing when it comes to website promotion is a good page ranking with the search engines. That is, to be listed on the first page of results when a search is done for something related to the site. This is such a challenge that it is safe to say that most websites do not get their traffic from direct searches, since any search can give anything up to a hundred million or more results. But webmasters still put a lot of effort into search engine optimization (SEO), and rightly so, since SEO makes it easier for a website to be indexed and can result in a higher page ranking.
Then there is paid advertising. Most search engines have a paid advertising scheme where people pay to have their ads displayed on various websites all over the internet, as well as (and perhaps more importantly...) on the search results page. This means that even though a website does not have a first, second, or third page ranking, it can still feature on those pages in the form of an ad.
The internet is undergoing a bit of a shift in character at the moment. It is becoming more interactive and community based, as is clearly demonstrated by all the social-oriented sites like Facebook, Squidoo, MySpace, and Twitter, as well the explosion of the blogosphere. This means that people want to interact with others on the web, and that word-of-mouth has again become one of the dominant means of communication. Anyone hoping to succeed on the web must harness he power of these networks in promoting sites and products.
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