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Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Increase Link Popularity of Your Website

There are many ways to increase link popularity. But to rank well in search engines, you need quality inbound links to your site. Quality inbound links are those links that are coming from authority resources and highly relevant to your Website. Getting inbound links is very easy. But, getting quality inbound links is difficult. So, before you build your linking strategy, remember that links are like votes given by someone. And if this vote is honest, you will get higher ranking in search engines. So, first create your Website more valuable to visitors, search engines will give more value to your site increasing its ranking.

There are no "best practices" to link popularity. But, there is credibility and labor. Create your Website keeping visitors in mind and not search engines. Once you build your Website for your visitors, you may employ following ways to increase link popularity.

Submit your site to popular internet directories, submit articles to articles directories. Find blogs, forums on your topic and post comments there. Remember that you do not have to just advertise your site there but you need to provide some valuable information and only then visitors on that blog / forum will visit your site to find more about topic. Send emails to Webmasters to link back to your site and if you have really great content, they are more likely to accept your request. Find link popularity of your competitors which are in Top 10 results of Google and employ the same techniques to get higher ranking. There are many free link building tools available on the internet that will help you increase link popularity of your site.


Remember that links are the votes given by other Websites. Links reflect value of your Website on internet. So, first try to optimize your Website with quality content and then plan link building strategy accordingly.


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