A lot of individuals and corporate entities are not even aware of the very existence of title tags, yet they leave no stone upturned in their efforts towards maximizing the results from their SEO efforts. It sounds rather ironic, bordering on hysterical, that with a tool that is more or less free, one should actually be putting such a large quantum of efforts towards fine-tuning SEO efforts through other means.
Even if they know about the existence of Title tags, a lot of companies are unsure about the possibility of mentioning the names of their companies in those tags, and almost consider it a sin to do so, when the truth is that it is completely OK! Additionally, you are free to add a descriptive line about your business in the Title tags. For instance, if yours is an electronic gaming company going by the name Game Wheely, and you happen to have many of your multi-gaming machines on display at a particular location, say Daytona, you could have your Title tag as something on the lines of Game Wheely, with the best gaming machines in Daytona. This way, not only is the name of your company clearly propagated through the Title tags, the line of business is also very clear to visitors.
Another reason for which Title tags command immense clout and hold vital significance is the fact that the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) actually displays the Title tags on it. Therefore, if you have the right messages encapsulated in your Title tags, viewers will get to see the same when they search either for you directly, or use keyword sets which are in line with your business. The "click-through" rate of searchers also increases, as they get a fairly accurate, prior idea of where they are heading towards; metaphorically speaking, if the destination is known, embarking on the journey becomes that much easier.
The vitality of building the Title tags around the content of the web pages and website(s) they are meant for, could not be more emphasized. So make sure that you first have your actual content in place; in case you are unable to do that yourself, you could always hire the services of a freelance copywriter, who could probably do the job for you most effectively, while keeping costs low, especially if it is a freelance copywriter that you are working with. At the same time, picking up a particular line verbatim from the body copy of the page is something that I would not recommend either, as that might suggest complete lack of creativity, originality and effort on your part. Instead, let the Title tag be a window to the world of information and compelling content that you have within your website.
So, as you can see, Title tags are an essential element of any SEO exercise, and must be made maximum use of.
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