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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Experiment With SEO But Don't Leave Your Sales Message Behind

Run a search on the internet for 'SEO best practice' and you will be met with a plethora of advice from a whole manner of sources. From the actual search engines themselves, to bloggers and SEO companies, everybody has an opinion. It's all too easy to get swept along, and before you know it you are immersed in a Search Engine Optimization campaign without any real idea of what you are doing or how it is impacting upon your business.

So, before you commission an SEO specialist to take a look at your website - one of your most valuable tools in the world of business - it's important to get to grips with the basics, and understand exactly how a search engine optimization campaign can compound your sales message and ultimately increase your revenue.

There are a number of key elements you can put in place to ensure your website has a better chance of being well-ranked in the search engines, and not hidden away on page 10. Firstly, it's critical to ensure the title tags of each of your webpages are well considered, utilizing one keyword phrase per page. Most search engines will use the title tag as the clickable link on their results page - therefore this how potential customers will be driven to your site. The best title tags are concise, include a reference to your brand and contain that crucial specific keyword or phrase.

Secondly, in search engine optimization circles, it's generally agreed header 1 (h1) tags remain important. A search engine will crawl your website looking for h1 tags as they are the description of what's on the page - h1 tags are also key in reinforcing your business keyword terms and another opportunity to use these terms on the page. However, as in the title tags, the text used in a h1 tag should be clear, well written and not stuffed with keywords, as this is not good SEO practice.

Following this, anchor text - this is the text used when hyperlinking to another website - is the third most important element to consider when embarking on a search engine optimization campaign. Keywords should always be used when linking to another webpage and strong links from and to your website using identified keywords are an important part of any SEO strategy.

There are many more components which make up a reputable search engine optimization campaign and opinion is constantly changing as to which are the most important. What should remain important to you - the business owner - is maintaining your brand and sales message, backed up with a strong, well-optimized website.


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