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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Top 3 SEO Tips to Make Money Online - Proven Marketing - Top 3 Tips For Search Engine Optimization!

One of the main goals with online marketing is to write content that is optimized for the search engines. But is search engine optimization (or SEO as it is often called) really as difficult as it sometimes seems? Here are the main tips you need to know to write powerful and optimized content for the search engines.

Basically what you need to keep in mind, is that your information must contain the keywords and long-tail keyword phrases that your audience is looking for. Having a high (but not too high) percentage of keywords in your content improves the validity and relevance for those particular keywords, therefore increasing the likelihood of your content being found by the search engines and seen by your potential clients. So when a person is looking for information and types a particular keyword into a search engine, your website or content will come up and be found on that list!

Top 3 SEO Tips to Make Money Online- Proven Marketing: (How to Use Keywords for Search Engine Optimization in Your Online Marketing Efforts)

1. Keyword-rich Title Tags: One of the most important places to include your keywords is in your title tags, which is the title of your web page. These are located along the top of your web browser and usually include your company name and short description. The description is where you will want to include your keywords that you are going for. Keep in mind that Search Engine Spiders read from left to right and give precedence to the words on the left versus the words on the right so keep your keywords at the very beginning of your title or as close to the beginning as possible. Also, Google only displays 66 characters in the title tag, with everything else just being cut off, so make sure to keep your title short and concise while still including your all-important keywords!

2. Keyword-rich Headings/Sub-Headings: Another top keyword location not to be missed is with your headings and subheadings. Search Engines tend to give these spots higher precedence than the rest of the information on your site, so it is very important that these locations also incorporate your keywords in an interesting way that is helpful and makes sense.

3. Keyword Synonyms: Another very important point to make when writing your content for SEO, is to be sure to include synonyms for your chosen keywords. This will not only add variety and interest to what you have written and keep your information from looking overly repetitive, but another thing you may not have thought of is that people searching the web with certain keywords are also quite likely to use synonyms or similar terms to your chosen keyword. You can use an online thesaurus or an online keyword tool such as Wordtracker or Overture for suggestions on what other terms to use.

Also, keep in mind that when working on SEO techniques to improve your Online marketing efforts, you have to be sure that everything you write makes sense and is engaging and helpful to your readers. You don't want to spend so much time working on incorporating keywords, that your final copy is confusing to read or just overly mechanical. Keep your creative juices flowing and have fun with what you write and you will be sure to enjoy massive success!


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