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Friday, July 24, 2009

Google Search - 3 Useful Tools For Online Research

Online research is an important of any internet business. There are plenty of paid services out there that will cater to your needs but you might be surprised to hear Google offers an array of free services that anyone can use. They actually provide way too many free services to fit into just one article. Google search is another important tool for your online research that Google provides various options for.

Here are 3 useful tools you might not know about when performing a Google Search:

1. site:"your domain name" - When entering this in the Google search bar be sure to remove the quotation marks and only include www, not http. Ok, but what does this mean? An important aspect of any website you own is the number pages that Google is indexing. When entering this phrase in the Google Search box followed by your domain you'll be shown the number of results that Google is indexing for your website. This is also very important when researching your competition as you easily identify how many pages on their site are indexed by Google.

2. intitle:"keyword" - Enter as shown in the Google Search box and you'll receive the results of all the websites that have this particular keyword in their title meta tag. This can give you a true representation of how much competition your up against for this particular keyword. Think about it! If someone was really trying hard to rank for a specific keyword don't you think they'd include it in their title tag?

3. "keyword" - When most people perform online research to analyse their competition, they enter the keyword their looking at into the search box and click search. The problem with this is it returns all the results for websites that show this combination of keywords, some may not even include the exact phrase. To get a clearer picture of your competition it's best to put quotation marks around your keyword. This way, you'll only be shown the websites that include this exact phrase, giving you a clearer picture of your competition.


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