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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Free Website SEO and Traffic For Beginners (Part 1)

This do-it-yourself quick-start guide will help beginning website owners set up their own SEO and increase their website traffic quickly and for free. No history or elaborate explanations will be found here. This article explains a simple, easy to implement, generic way of doing a specific SEO plan yourself. This step-by-step guide will show you how to set up some good, safe, white hat SEO/Traffic on your new or existing website with the least amount of effort in combination with the easiest-to-use free online resources.

Let's begin:


a. Are you a local business/service or more global?

i. Local examples will be demoed with the following example business:

Mr. Kung Fu's Karate School in Seattle, WA, USA.

ii. Non-Local examples will be demoed with the following example business:

Susie Smith's Arts & Crafts Blog

b. Time to think like a potential customer. What word phrase would you expect someone to type into a search engine (like Google) and have your website come up listed on the first page of results?

i. Local businesses owners, be sure to include geographic words. For example, Mr. Kung Fu might use: 'Seattle Karate' or 'Seattle Martial Arts'. He might also use a specific suburb of Seattle instead (like 'Redmond' or 'Duvall').

ii. Non-Local businesses owners, like Susie Smith, might use: 'home arts and crafts', 'home decorations', or 'arts and crafts ideas'.

c. Use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool (adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal) to help you find the best keyword phrases for you. Pay attention to LOCAL and GLOBAL search volumes that best represent your market. WARNING: The more popular your keyword phrase is, the more competition you will probably have. If it's too popular, you probably won't make the first page of any search engine results. Try to use more specific keyword phrases whose search volume is below 40,000 a month.

d. Pick the TOP SIX best keyword phrases for you. Write them down in order of importance. Keep the list handy - you will use them later on in this article.


a. Find the HTML tags at the top of each of your HTML pages in the HEADER section. Your title will go between these two tags.

b. Enter in your TOP THREE keyword phrases (in order) here separated by the 'pipe' character ( | ) and save it. Redundant words only need be used once here. See the example below how the words 'Seattle' and 'Home' are only used once but apply to other keyword phrases:

1) Mr. Kung Fu: Seattle Karate | Martial Arts | Self Defense

2) Susie Smith: Home Arts And Crafts | Decorations| Ideas


a. For HTML Websites - Find the HTML tags and at the top of each of your HTML pages in the HEADER section. Your keywords and website description will go between these two tags respectively.

b. Type your SIX keyword phrases into the keyword section. Separate each phrase with a comma. Here it's OK to have redundant words in your phrases. For example:

1) Mr. Kung Fu would type: Seattle karate, Seattle martial arts, Seattle self defense, etc.

2) Susie Smith would type: home arts and crafts, home decorations, arts and crafts ideas, etc.

d. Type 3-5 sentences into your website description section that describe your business/service. Try and insert the TOP THREE keyword phrases into your description content. Be sure to do so in a way that is readable and natural-looking, otherwise it will look like you are 'keyword stuffing'.

Continue to Part 2...

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