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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Article Marketing - Search Engine Optimization Tips

In article marketing, the first thing you need to do is some market research. That means before you even start writing the article you need to figure out what keywords you are trying to optimize for. Because without a target in mind, you are shooting for a redundant goal.

What I always do first is open up a keyword research tool. I know Google has some free ones. And start figuring out how many hits a particular keyword gets. And it I feel like it has the potential to bring in lots of traffic for me then I will go after that keyword in the article I write. I would say as a rule of thumb you would want your keyword to have no less than like 25-50 hits per day in Google. That way you can be sure to see some significant results.

Next you want to pull up Google and type in your keyword to see exactly what your competition is like. If you see a bunch of Squidoo pages or Hub Pages but not Ezine Articles then you will probably want to write your article in Ezine because that way if you optimize correctly you will be booted up to the top ten in Google for the keyword almost instantly. However, just because there is other competition like Squidoo and Hub Pages out there doesn't mean that you can't steal their spot in Google. It just requires a little but more work.

Here are a few tips for article marketing optimization.

• Place your keyword always at the start of the article and link it out if possible.

• Repeat that specific keyword in your article a few times, not to much though. Google will penalize you for that. Use good judgment and you should be fine.

• Making your keyword bold, italicized, or underlined will get recognized by Google and increase your ranking.

• Make sure you include accurate tags. The more specific your tags the better. However at the same time, you want to encompass everyone that would be searching your articles. Choose wisely.

• Most important of all is your linking structure. Google gives more value to articles with sites linking back to them.

I would like to leave it at this. Google pretty much runs the web right now so if you scratch Google's back they will scratch yours. Keep that in mind when doing anything on the web regarding optimization.


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