It is very essential to have a good plan for your On-Page SEO. There has been several discussions around this topic for a while on the internet. It has been in the recent years often discussed how much we should put emphasis on SEO directly on the web pages versus the importance of building a comprehensive link strategy. I believe that both are equally important. Having a well thought-out strategy for both has been shown to have the best effect.
When Google periodically send out their virtual employees, ie the so-called crawlers, they will discover whether or not if you have made the work easy for them. They will analyze your page quickly and efficiently and send the results back to Google. Google will render out your page or pages in their list for the targeted keyword(s) and place it where it belong dependent of your efforts. The better SEO you have, the better are your opportunities to get higher up in the Google's list for the targeted keywords.
The most important factors is the TITLE, KEYWORDS, DESCRIPTION, HEADER tags, and the content of the BODY section. If you are searching for a particular keyword or keyword phrase to find relevant information, Google will reward those who have done the most thorough work. Below is a more descriptive explanation of the above factors...
TITLE. This is the title of the website. When searching for specific information on the basis of certain criteria, it is very important to have a careful title. Correct thoughtful use of keywords in the title is a must to get as high as possible in search engines. Google will list those in the search engine results page (SERP) with the best combination of the above factors in which TITLE is probably the most important. It may be worthwhile to experiment with the title of the website. However, it is important to act natural and not over optimize as many unfortunately have done. Google will identify this quickly and ignore the web page. Keep your Title tag short and readable. You also would want to write clear, attractive web page titles that attract attention and invite clickthroughs. Title tags should be unique to each page. Don't forget to use your main keyword in the TITLE.
KEYWORDS. This the meta-tag keywords and must not be confused with the actual targeted keywords that you implement in other parts as TITLE, DESCRIPTION and BODY of the page. It has often been debated about the importance of the keyword meta-tag in today's SEO world. Many believe that it is not so important anymore, but opinions are divided. Regardless of significance it may be nice to be neat and have a thoughtful strategy here. Anyway, it won't hurt. But remember: do not repeat your keywords. That will definitely destruct you! Act naturally.
DESCRIPTION. The Meta description tag is extremely useful in controlling the SERPS description of your web pages. Use that page's main keywords and keyword variations in the meta description. If you have ever studied search results page for a targeted keyword in Google you'll always recognize a description under the title. Google highlight this because it gives the user an opportunity to consider whether or not it is worth clicking on the link to access the desired information, i.e. to help the user with the decision. In other words: Although the title is the most important factor when it comes to Google's enumeration, a good description will be a contributing factor so that the user will get a better foundation to determine whether or not the link is worth clicking. It is appropriate to include a central keyword early in addition to one or two others later in the description. Act naturally is as important here as well.
H1, H2, H3, and so on are so-called HEADER tags. These represent the main headlines on the content of an article or similar material. It is important to include a keyword strategy with a natural performance. Use your main keyword here. It is essential that you use H1 tag early on in your article. Among experienced search engine optimization specialists, the H1 or the heading 1 tag still ranks high among other SEO relevancy factors. You may do well without this, but as far as page relevance and rank stability, putting heading tags for SEO are normal operating procedures. H1 tags should be used for what they were originally created for: organizing your documents to stress the key points. When used right, I can't see how H1 tags could hurt your foundation at all... it just helps the search engines understand what the emphasis of the page is. It is also important for all the header tags to be grammatically correct and easily readable. Don't just keyword stuff! Google can detect keyword stuffing without problems. If they believe that your page is more geared towards them than your audience, they won't give you an audience. So make sure your header tags make ideal logic to your readers.
Give your users what they exactly want. Don't try to trick them to read your page, but give them that exact valuable information they really need and they will be satisfied and trust you. You're not a person that want to push something on them that they don't need. This will give you good credits and sooner or later they start to bookmark you. In longer terms they might want a relationship with you.
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