1. Target Keywords for Video SEO
Selecting appropriate target keywords for your video is the first important tip in relation to video SEO. Each video should not use more than two or three keywords. The keywords must be such that they give an exact idea of the video content.
After you have selected your target keywords these are to be used wherever possible - in the title, tags, description etc. When you create back links to your video use these target keywords. By selecting good target keywords and optimising your video to use them, your video will be ranked more highly for the same search terms.
2. Posting your video on YouTube
Google, probably the most popular search engine, owns YouTube. As such, posting your video on YouTube possibly affords some advantage for your video so far as video SEO is concerned.
You are not in any way restricted in posting your video to any number of sites in the internet, but you should give major consideration to a posting on YouTube.
3. Separate page for each video
If you want strong SEO for your video you should create separate page for each. As each page has a unique URL, each of your videos will also get unique URL which gives certain advantages like using your target keywords in the page title, metadata and in the description of your video on this page.
4. Adding a Video Transcript
In order to improve SEO for your videos, you should seriously consider adding a video transcript. Transcripts generate data which are read by search engines. Search engines cannot watch your video directly. The transcript generated for your video is an excellent way for additional use your target keywords.
5. Creating inbound links to Your Video
One of the key facets of SEO is to get other sites in the internet linking to your video. These are called back links. Back Links from relevant and popular sites, targeting keywords while referring to your video are most beneficial for video SEO.
Blog comments and forum postings by adding the URL to your video are also popular and easy ways to create back links.
However, you should keep in mind that the link to your video must not be out of place for the readers of the blog or forum as in that case your comment or post can be treated as spam and will eventually be removed or will be ignored for being not interesting.
6. Bookmarking your Video
In order to improve video SEO you should bookmark your video in social bookmarking sites like Digg, Stumble Upon, Delicious etc. When you bookmark your video on all these sites and use your target keywords while doing it inbound links to your video is created which increases the chance of more people viewing it. Put buttons next to your video so that viewers who like it can easily add a link to your video to one or more social bookmarking sites of their choice.
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